Friday, September 7, 2012

Analysis of My Blog

Template: I chose this template because the interface is very user friendly, what you see is what you get. I liked the idea of the about me page because being the beginning of the year you guys, and you Ms. Squillante, don’t really know what I’m about. Although the couple of sentences i wrote aren’t going to make you completely familiar with who I am, I hoped it would at least break the ice. I chose the picture template because something about the rain lured me in. It makes it look peaceful, that and the combination of the snow capped mountains in the background.

Title: I chose my title because my goal is to get engrossed in the arts through this course. I’ve never really been too into arts, but being in a new environment with a new teacher and new classmates may help me achieve that goal. The reason i put in “15s style” was to reiterate the fact that this is a seminar, and that may provide you the professor with more leeway to take us on field trips and other interesting activities, all being things that may help achieve my goal.

Color: I chose the color grey because thats the mood i was in whilst writing this. Not a bad mood, but it was raining, just glum. But i thought the mountains in the background made up for the depressing grey, because everyone loves snow, right?

Font: The font that i chose for the title is fairly basic, i couldn’t find one that really jumped out at me in my search. So i chose one that i know everyone will be able to read, and i made it big to emphasize the significance I feel my title has. And my font, the bulk of the blog, is also fairly basic, but it looks robotic, and I recently watched Terminator, so i guess that swayed my opinion, even if it was  subconsciously.

Pages: I chose not to use pages just because something about the simplicity of this layout just kept me with it. Once my page starts getting cluttered with posts I may be forced to change it to a layout with pages or tabs but for now this is the look I thought would most attract viewers to want to stay on my page and read the “No posts” bar for longer.

1 comment:

  1. Sup Chris,

    Clicking a random link brought me to your blog, and then I saw no comments. Knowing the sad feeling of all that posting effort appears to be going to waste without comments, I figured I’d post. There’s something about personal analysis of our own choices that’s interesting too, especially with the creative options we had available to us with the blog creation part of the course.

    I kind of like the color scheme and background rain overlay. I mean, it is boring gray and still rain, so what? Just reading some of the influences behind it, I kind of get this idea you like to live in the moment, and that’s just neat. Mountains themselves can send a lot of messages. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole snowcapped mountains in the rain thing going on…it kind of reminds me of Skyrim - monks on a mountain, so peaceful…only so peaceful.

    Your detachment from the arts is fairly evident with that title. I think you can do better, and you will. I wouldn’t expect to just suddenly to be drawn into the arts though. I only speak from my experience, which may or may not work to your benefactor, but I think it comes down to personal experience. You might need to dedicate yourself and time to the subject for a while enough before you develop any sort of “drastic growth.” The eventual goal is being recognized and praised though, and that might help nurture new pride or simply appreciation for art as both an observer and practitioner.

    Alright, so I jumped around on color. I do like the neutrality gray has though. I do agree on the snow loving thing, even though I’m not a fan of the temperature drop. I desperately want summer to return, and to be back on a beach. As for beach volleyball, tried it before, a few good sets, scored a few times, overall relaxed game and not that impressive. It was fun though, and definitely something I’d try again if I could get my friends out of their beach chairs, haha. I usually end up spending more time in the water anyway. Right, back to the topic at hand…

    I can see the future themes in the text a little bit. I’m more interested in which Terminator movie is was before I assume the first though. It’s a good series anyway. It’s definitely clean and easy to read, so this was a nice choice. If you used a similar template, I know there was a tradeoff for the picture background and pages. Picture backgrounds are much more worth the space of course. I don’t think you’d need pages if the blog is going to be focused solely on the course. If you were to take off on some personal writing adventures, then it might be good to have a separate page/tab for that.

    I’ll be checking back here to see if you live up to that claim of having the blog evolve, whether it’s your writing or the design itself. Congratulations, your audience is growing. Be sure you don’t let them down. Some other things: cross your ’t’s and dot your ‘i’s, more importantly capitalize the pronoun “I”. Your credibility is going to take a few shots if you can’t punctuation properly (I think that’s punctuation, anyway…). Another tid-bit, writing is like any other activity: you’ll improve the more you do it. It comes down to finding your voice and adopting writing practices that improve your style. I reluctantly have to admit my high school English teachers were right in saying “there’s always room for improvement.” Maybe you can share more of yourself on the blog seeing you’re so quiet in class!

    Overall, a solid blog, Chris. Good luck with the course, college, and whatever else comes your way.
