Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Self Evaluation

1.   Taking English 15s really improved my writing in many different ways. Each and every different type of prose that we were assigned to write provided me with a different perspective and a different attitude on how to write it. This diversification in styles made me a more well rounded writer and made me realize that writing isn’t just about length or the amount of words on your paper, but the most important thing is the thoughts you put on the paper.

This class definitely helped me connect to the school in a completely unexpected way. Because of the fact that this class only had some 20 students in it, it made Penn State seem a lot smaller and made the transition from home to State College much easier. Although I don’t see my classmates outside of class, nor do I really talk to them during class, save when we were working on the group project, I did start to see them as individuals and not just as the unit of Penn State where everyone in State College has some affiliation to the school.

At first, I sort of looked down on the fact that nothing in a ten-mile radius has any individuality, and that the university provides everything with business and any service it can offer, that Penn State is everything to them. But during my time as a student here, I’ve come to realize there’s a reason this is the case. And as I’ve realized why Penn State is so highly regarded by so many, I’ve also realized that despite the undying loyalty to Penn State by the some 70,000 that live here, and the millions of alumni, they are all their own people, and that’s what makes it special, we aren’t type casted.

Sorry, that tangent is over, back to what this blog post is actually supposed to be about. I thought at first this class would be some weird talk about our feelings about leaving home, and starting anew in a place where we don’t know many people, but it wasn’t. Even though I would’ve liked not getting to work right away, and relaxing for a week or two, in retrospect, the fact that we were in the heat of the semester two weeks into school got my mind off home and who I had left behind to writing long papers and commenting on blog posts.

This course helped me adjust into my new life here in University Park, and in a way I’m kind of sad to see it end, I’m kind of sad to see the first semester end. It was our first semester of the next four years of my life, and looking back at all four years of high school, that felt like a lifetime ago. I say this now, but keep in mind that I have yet to start studying for finals, ask me in two weeks to write this post and it will just say finally its over. 

3. I did the SRTE.

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