Friday, December 14, 2012

Spiderman 4

The reason I chose to do this blogpost is because not only did I like the move. I also wanted to compare the roles Andrew Garfield played in both the Social Network and Spiderman 4.

In the Social Network Andrew Garfield plays Eduardo Saverin, a rich, smart Harvard student. He funded Facebook in the beginning of its life only to be edged out at the end by Mark Zuckerberg, this in turn changing him from a nice kid willing to give money out to start the business to a vengeful enemy of Mark Zuckerberg, who sues him and wins an undisclosed sum of money.

While in Spiderman 4, he plays a shy kid who gets bullied and ridiculed to a super hero. Illuminating with confidence at the end of the film as opposed to his lack of confidence at the beginning.

These two roles are completely different in every way. In the Social Network, a more serious film, he had to be more composed and put together as a character, while in Spiderman it allowed for some more leniency in the role and it was more his interpretation of the part.         

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